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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ban Circumcism--4000 years of Jewish traditional rites--Fat Chance in Hell. 
This is nothing but a naked religious assault on Jews and Muslims. It has nothing to do with health. It has been brought about by trouble makers of the highest order.
The comic ABC"NEWS" pandered the story about health issues as opposed to the real story of a 4000 year religious rite being tampered with. It is truly an outrageous move--one that deserves a fatwa if ever one was ever merited!!
BTW the chief instigator in San Francisco is Lloyd Scholfield.
                            Chief A-Hole and perpetrator
$10. payable for his phone number.


  1. San Fran is beyond absurd. It is a city built on hating, not creating. The progressives there as they try to create Utopia are creating hell.

